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Planning and Zoning
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Economic Development - Planning - Building

J.J. Duvall
      Office: (270) 351-1875


      Planning Official
      Murray Wanner
      Office: (270) 351-1875


Building Official
Jeremy Murrell
Office: (270) 351-1875

Danny L. Richardson
Office: (270) 351-1875

Ron Peake
Office: (270) 351-1875

Ashley Russo
Office: (270) 351-1875


 Denise Haynes

(270) 351-1875


The City of Radcliff Planning Department provides planning services to enhance and preserve the economic, environmental, historical, social, cultural and aesthetic features of the community. The Planning Department promotes orderly growth patterns of development within the community that foster sustainable development.

The Planning Department provides staff support on behalf of the Radcliff City Council, Radcliff Planning Commission, the Radcliff Board of Adjustment and the Radcliff Code Enforcement Board, Radcliff Forestry and Conservation Board.

The Planning Department prepares and administers the City of Radcliff Comprehensive Plan, City of Radcliff Zoning Ordinance and Development Regulations and the City of Radcliff Subdivision Regulations.

Reviews of Zone Map Amendment Applications, Subdivision Applications, Development Plan Applications and Building Permit Applications are also performed by the Department. The Planning Department is instrumental in providing guidance and assistance to developers and land owners in regards to design review of development proposals.

Other key functions of the Planning Department include annexation, local floodplain administration, preparation and administration of planning and transportation project grants, site inspections, code compliance and the maintenance of the City of Radcliff Official Zoning Map and the City of Radcliff Official Street Map.

The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is as follows:

  • Guide public and private actions and decisions to assure the development of public and private property in the most appropriate relationships.


The comprehensive plan shall contain, as a minimum, the following elements:

  • A statement of goals and objectives.

  • A land use plan element.

  • A transportation plan element.

  • A community facilities plan element.

  • Provisions for the accommodation of all military installations greater than or equal in area to 300 acres, abutting the planning unit's boundaries. The goal of providing for the accommodation for these military installations shall be to minimize conflicts between the relevant military installations and the planning unit's residential population.

  • The comprehensive plan may include any additional elements such as, without being limited to, community renewal, housing, flood control, pollution, conservation, natural resources, regional impact, historic preservation, and other programs which in the judgement in the planning commission will further serve the purposes of the comprehensive plan.   


The purpose this Zoning Ordinance is as follows:

  • List the types of zones which may be used, and the regulations which may be imposed in each zone.  In addition the text shall makes provisions for the granting of variances, conditional use permits, and for nonconforming use of land and structures.

  • Regulate activity on land, including fillilng or excavation of land, and the removal of natural resources, and the use of water sources, and other bodies of water, as well as land subject to flooding.

  • Regulate the size, width, height, bulk, location of structures, buildings, and signs.

  • Establish minimum or maximum areas or percentages of areas, yards or other open spaces which are to be left unoccupied, and minimum distance requirememts between buildings and other structures.

  • Regulate intensity of use and density of population floor area to ground area ratios.

  • Establish a map, which shall show the boundaries of each zone.

The purpose of these subdivision regulations is as follows: 
  • Establish the procedure for the submission and approval of preliminary and final plats and the recordation of final plats.
  • List specifications for the contents and the format of all subdivision plats.
  • Describe requirements for the design of streets, blocks, lots, utilities, recreation areas, other facilities, hazardous areas, and areas subject to flooding.
  • Detail specifications for the physical improvements of streets, utilites, and other facilities and the extent to which they shall be installed or dedicated to include the provision of surety to insure proper completion of physical improvements.
  • Detail specifications for the extent to which land is to be used for public purposes. 

The plant materials list is a recomended list of plantings within the City of Radcliff, corresponding to the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone.

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